Living a Mission

竞技宝app下载安装人每天都在为他人服务, dream big, act globally, and search for meaning.

Join a community of diverse learners


St. Ambrose University – independent, diocesan, 和天主教-使学生的智力发展, spiritually, ethically, socially, artistically, 身体上丰富自己和他人的生活.

St. 竞技宝app下载安装将被公认为一所领先的中西部大学,植根于其教区遗产和天主教知识传统. 竞技宝app下载安装人致力于学术卓越,文科,社会正义和服务.

Making a Difference

students volunteering on barge

Our students typically give more than 178,每年为本地和世界各地的志愿服务项目提供5000小时的服务时间.

Success After Graduation

graduate and family

在我们2019年的毕业生中回应了一项结果调查, 91% were employed, attending grad school, in military service, or volunteering within 6 months of graduation.

male student at graduation

Living Our Mission

  • Join a community of diverse learners. We offer more than 60 undergraduate majors硕士点11个,博士学位点3个.
  • 追随你的兴趣,探索新的机会,保持忙碌. We boast dozens of student organizations and clubs,无数的运动队,出国留学,荣誉等等.  
  • Our students, faculty, and staff typically give more than 178,每年为本地和世界各地的志愿服务项目提供5000小时的服务时间.

student and professor

Guided by a Vision

  • 我们的教职员工协助超过114个组织, 担任志愿者委员会的成员.
  • We value diversity and learning from each other. 我们的社团包括各种宗教信仰的学生, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • You get the attention you deserve with committed, 有爱心的教授会努力让你的大学之旅取得成功.
  • St. Ambrose University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, for starters. 我们的大多数本科和研究生课程都是单独认证的, too, 这意味着你得到了有资源支持的高质量教育, facilities, and experiences to help you thrive.     

Bee the Difference

我们对校园和竞技宝app下载产生了影响. In 2018, 600多名学生参加了Bee the Difference Day活动,并帮助120名校园邻居为他们的院子准备过冬. It is work, fun – and so rewarding.

Core Mission Values and Guiding Principles


在达文波特教区的关系中,我们珍惜并建立我们强大的天主教身份. 作为一所独立的高等学府,圣. 竞技宝app下载安装通过教学体现了我们的信仰传统, learning, scholarship, and service, 通过对其他信仰传统的开放, and through the pursuit of justice and peace.

Catholic Intellectual Tradition

天主教知识传统是一个思想体系, 信仰:以信仰为基础的学术实践和思维方式, and faith is informed by justice, to yield new understanding and direction.

天主教的知识传统,圣. Ambrose University was founded is more than just evident on campus; it's thriving. 这可以在我们的教室和实验室里看到, even on our stages and our playing fields, 在挑战和支持,授权和探索的平衡中,使我们的学生能够实现他们的智力, emotional, physical, and spiritual potential.

See one example in the Scene Magazine article, "Learning to Forgive," 是什么让我们走进教室,上一门关于宽恕、和解和和平建设的课程. As you'll read, 即使学生在课堂上学习心理, physiological, and cultural reasons why one should forgive, 他们也开始明白,宽恕本身是被冤枉的人自愿给予的一种仁慈的礼物——事实也确实如此, at its essence, an act of faith.

你还会发现天主教的知识传统在这里依然存在 "Leaving a Legacy for Peace and Justice," which tells of the late Rev. 约瑟夫·科克约翰(Joseph Kokjohn)捐赠的礼物,用于在圣. Ambrose. With his gift, this priest, teacher ,长期以来,竞技宝app下载安装一直在寻求加强这些主题所需的重要对话,这些对话将激励竞技宝app下载安装的后代学生想象世界如何变得更加公正, 培养他们无畏的心灵和思想,为这个世界而努力.

这只是天主教知识传统在圣. Ambrose's campus. Indeed, they show, as no mere definition can, 不仅仅是天主教的知识传统, more importantly, 为什么我们认为它对我们的机构愿景至关重要. 虽然这个伟大的传统是建立在信仰之上的, 它仍然具有普遍意义,因为它提供了一种学习方式,包括各种真理,并寻求实现真理的各种方法-特别是当我们的学生开始终身探索人类的真正意义时.


我们竞技宝app下载,作为个人,当我们的生活自由地建立在承认慈爱的上帝和肯定生命的道德准则的价值基础上时,我们就有能力过得最充实. Therefore, we teach, learn, and work in a climate of mutual respect, honesty, 以及崇尚卓越和学术自由的诚信.

Liberal Arts

我们致力于文科传统的丰富性,通过高质量的教学,促进人类在各个方面的广泛意识的发展. 竞技宝app下载安装人运用他们的知识、才能和职业技能为他人服务.

Lifelong Learning

我们竞技宝app下载人在人生的各个阶段都需要受教育的机会. Therefore, 我们提供以学生为中心的教学项目,通过博士水平的课程提供学士学位和专业研究生学位,以及本科和研究生水平的非学位课程. To meet the needs of our diverse student body, 我们在达文波特教区使用各种各样的交付系统和格式, the State of Iowa, and other authorized locations. 我们与其他组织合作,在世界各地提供更多的机会.


St. Ambrose University commits to ensuring diversity, equity, 并将包容性作为核心优先事项,这一点在政策的有意设计中得到了体现, procedures, resource allocations, 在追求社会正义的过程中,尊重上帝赋予每个人的尊严和价值.

Inspired by Catholic social teaching, 我们决心营造一种消除一切歧视的环境, whether based on sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, color, ability, language, religion, or socioeconomic status.

So, what's next?

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